Hi, I’m Carol
Here’s a little about me
I live in southern New Mexico with my husband, Leos, and our extremely grumpy chihuahua, Hermès. I love my adopted state and the desert southwest. It’s beautiful, and its strong multicultural history has been shaped by diverse peoples and cultures. Las Cruces sits nestled at the bottom of the Organ Mountains to the east and the Rio Grande to the west. It is the second largest city in the state, but has a wonderful small town feeling, and every fall, the scent of roasting green chile fills the air. I have a Ph.D. in biomedical sciences from UC San Diego and worked in a plant genetic engineering laboratory at New Mexico State University for years before I moved to full time teaching—Molecular Biology and Biochemistry.
My husband’s family has been in New Mexico for generations. I moved here in 1991, so I love to explore the state. We’ve been to Angel Fire and climbed the wooden ladders at Bandolier. Visited El Morro and Chaco Canyon, and stood in the Lincoln County Courthouse where Billy the Kid escaped by murdering two deputies. We’ve stood in four states at one time and bought jewelry on the Plaza in Santa Fe, been to the depths of Carlsbad Caverns, sifted White Sands through our fingers, and toured the Alien Museum at Roswell. I’ve been to the International Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque many times, though I have yet to fly in one. Maybe next year. This beauty of this state is the inspiration for my books and will continue to be for years to come.
The paranormal and “visions” I add to some of my books come from true stories told to me by relatives and friends who experienced them first hand—and their words can be hair-raising. I knew as I listened, I’d need to write them down and blend them into my fiction because I love that shivery feeling. I myself am not sensitive, except for one time. Ask me about it if we ever meet. I love to blend strong women sleuths, paranormal, and mystery with science to create my BiocheMysteries. I hope you will enjoy my stories.
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