It’s summer in New Mexico and fires are popping up all over. Are they linked to the Fire-Sky god of death and fire that Nicky sees whenever someone is in peril? Yep. Does it also mean Nicky is also in danger? Oh, not just danger. Grave Danger.
New characters, settings, and relationships abound in this fast-paced thrilling mystery with a chilling touch of paranormal and a dash of horror. And don’t forget the science woven tightly into the ‘fiction’. All of these elements create a story that’s hard to put down, even as daylight fades and darks creeps up all around.
The Third Warrior, Book 2 of the Nicky Matthews’s mystery series, is the book of FIRE. The award-winning Book 1 of the Nicky Matthews Mystery series, Hearts of the Missing, is the book of EARTH. Book 3, Spirit Daughters (coming 2022) is the book of WATER. Book 4, as yet unwritten but percolating in the back of my brain, will be the book of WIND. This series of books are stand-alone-murder mysteries that are linked by the characters’ personal stories as well–Nicky, Franco, Ryan, Savannah, Dax Stone, and of course, Howard Kie.
And when you do read The Third Warrior, please leave a review online. I dare you 🙂 and I thank you.

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